Microsoft Corporation Annual Report 2005
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Challenges to our business model may reduce our revenues and operating margins.     Our business model is based upon customers agreeing to pay a fee to license software developed and distributed by us. Under this commercial software model, software developers bear the costs of converting original ideas into software products through investments in research and development, offsetting these costs with the revenue received from the distribution of their products. We believe the commercial software model has had substantial benefits for users of software, allowing them to rely on our expertise and the expertise of other software developers that have powerful incentives to develop innovative software that is useful, reliable, and compatible with other software and hardware. In recent years, a non-commercial software model has evolved that presents a growing challenge to the commercial software model. Under the non-commercial software model, open source software produced by loosely associated groups of unpaid programmers and made available for license to end users without charge is distributed by firms at nominal cost that earn revenue on complementary services and products, without having to bear the full costs of research and development for the open source software. The most notable example of open source software is the Linux operating system. There is a wide variety of other open source software available, such as Open and Eclipse. While we believe our products provide customers with significant advantages in security and productivity, and generally have a lower total cost of ownership than open source software, the popularization of the non-commercial software model continues to pose a significant challenge to our business model, including recent efforts by proponents of open source software to convince governments worldwide to mandate the use of open source software in their purchase and deployment of software products. To the extent open source software gains increasing market acceptance, sales of our products may decline, we may have to reduce the prices we charge for our products, and revenue and operating margins may consequently decline.

We face intense competition.     We continue to experience intense competition across all markets for our products and services. Our competitors range in size from Fortune 100 companies to small, single-product businesses that are highly specialized and open source community-based projects. While we believe the breadth of our businesses and product portfolio offers benefits to our customers that are a competitive advantage, our competitors that are focused on a narrower product line may be more effective in devoting technical, marketing, and financial resources to compete with us. In addition, barriers to entry in our businesses generally are low. The Internet as a distribution channel and non-commercial software model described above have reduced barriers to entry even further. Non-commercial software vendors are devoting considerable efforts to developing software that mimics the features and functionality of various of our products. In response to competitive factors, we are developing versions of our products with basic functionality that are sold at lower prices than the standard versions. See the Competition section for additional information about our competitors. These competitive pressures may result in decreased sales volumes, price reductions, and/or increased operating costs, such as for marketing and sales incentives, resulting in lower revenue, gross margins, and operating income.


We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights against piracy, infringement of our patents by third parties, or declining legal protection for intellectual property.     We defend our intellectual property rights and combat unlicensed copying and use of software and intellectual property rights through a variety of techniques. Preventing unauthorized use or infringement of our rights is difficult. Piracy of our products represents a loss of revenue to us. While this adversely affects U.S. revenue, the impact on revenue from outside the United States is more significant, particularly in countries where laws are less protective of intellectual property rights. Similarly, the absence of harmonized patent laws makes it more difficult to ensure consistent respect for patent rights. Moreover, future legal changes could make this even more challenging. Throughout the world, we actively educate consumers about the benefits of licensing genuine products and obtaining indemnification benefits for intellectual property risks, and we educate lawmakers about the advantages of a business climate where intellectual property rights are protected. However, continued educational and enforcement efforts may not affect revenue positively, and revenue could be adversely affected by reductions in the legal protection for intellectual property rights for software developers or by compliance with additional legal obligations impacting the intellectual property rights of software developers.

Third parties may claim we infringe their intellectual property rights.     From time to time we receive notices from others claiming we infringe their intellectual property rights. The number of these claims may grow. Responding to these claims may require us to enter into royalty and licensing agreements on less favorable terms, require us to stop selling or to redesign affected products, or to pay damages or to satisfy indemnification commitments with our customers including contractual provisions under various license arrangements. If we are required to enter into such agreements or take such actions, our operating margins may decline as a result. We have made and expect to continue making significant expenditures to acquire the use of technology and intellectual property rights, including via cross-licenses of broad patent portfolios, as part of our strategy to manage this risk.

We may not be able to protect our source code from copying if there is an unauthorized disclosure of source code.     Source code, the detailed program commands for our operating systems and other software programs, is the most significant asset we own. While we license certain portions of our source code for various software programs and operating systems to a number of licensees, we take significant measures to protect the secrecy of large portions of our source code. If an unauthorized disclosure of a significant portion of our source code occurs, we could potentially lose future trade secret protection for that source code. The loss of future trade secret protection could make it easier for third parties to compete with our products by copying functionality, which could adversely affect our revenue and operating margins. Unauthorized disclosure of source code could also increase certain risks described in the next paragraph.

Security vulnerabilities in our products could lead to reduced revenues or to liability claims.
Maintaining the security of computers and computer networks is an issue of critical importance for us and our customers. There are malicious hackers who develop and deploy viruses, worms, and other malicious software programs that attack our products. While this is an industry-wide phenomenon that affects computers across all platforms, it affects our products in particular because hackers tend to focus their efforts on the most popular operating systems and programs and we expect them to continue to do so. We devote significant resources to addressing these critical issues. We are focusing our efforts on engineering even more secure products, enhancing security and reliability options and settings when we deliver products, and providing guidance to help our customers make the best use of our products and services to protect against computer viruses and other attacks on their computing environment. In addition, we are working to improve the deployment of software updates to address security vulnerabilities discovered after our products are released. We are also investing in mitigation technologies that help to secure customers from attacks even when such software updates are not deployed. We are also advising customers on how to help protect themselves from security threats through the use of our online automated security tools, our published security guidance, and the deployment of security software such as firewalls, antivirus, and other security software. The cost of these steps could adversely affect our operating margins. Despite these efforts, actual or perceived security vulnerabilities in our products could lead some customers to seek to return products, to reduce or delay future purchases, or to use competitive products. Customers may also increase their expenditures on protecting their existing computer systems from attack, which could delay adoption of new technologies. Any of these actions by customers could adversely affect our revenue. We devote significant resources to improving the security design and engineering of our software. Nevertheless, actual or perceived vulnerabilities may lead to claims against us. While our license agreements typically contain provisions that eliminate or limit our exposure to such liability claims, there is no assurance these provisions will be held effective under applicable laws and judicial decisions.


We are subject to government regulatory activity that affects how we design and market our products.
Lawsuits brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, 18 states, and the District of Columbia in two separate actions were resolved through a Consent Decree that took effect in November 2001 and a Final Judgment entered in November 2002. These proceedings imposed regulatory constraints on our Windows operating system businesses, including limits on certain contracting practices, required disclosure of certain software program interfaces, limits on Microsoft’s ability to ensure the visibility of certain Windows features in new PCs, and required licensing of certain communications protocols. While we believe we currently are in full compliance with the Decree and Judgment, if we fail to comply with them in the future additional restrictions could be imposed on us that would adversely affect our business. Moreover, there always remains the risk of new legal action, either by governments or private claimants including with respect to products that haven’t been scrutinized in the past.

In March 2004, the European Commission determined that we must create new versions of Windows that do not include certain multimedia technologies, many of which are required for certain Web sites, software applications, and other aspects of Windows to function properly, and we must provide our competitors with specifications for how to implement certain communications protocols supported in Windows. Microsoft has appealed both determinations to European courts. As a result of the Commission decision, we have incurred and will continue to incur duplicative development costs (absent a court decision to reverse or limit this aspect of the ruling). The availability of these alternative versions of Windows in the market also may cause confusion that harms our reputation, including among consumers and with third party software and web site developers who rely on the functionality removed from these alternative versions. The Commission ruling obligates Microsoft to make available specifications for certain Windows communications protocol technologies on licensing terms that are closely regulated by the Commission. The availability of these licenses may enable competitors to develop software products that better mimic the functionality of Microsoft’s own products which could result in a reduction in sales of our products. Unless reversed or limited on appeal, the ruling of the European Commission may be cited as a precedent in other proceedings that seek to limit our ability to continue to improve Windows by adding new functionality in response to consumer demand. The ruling also illustrates a risk that competition authorities in Europe or elsewhere may authorize competitors to distribute implementations of Microsoft communications protocols in source code form without proper contractual provisions to protect our intellectual property.

We believe our integrated approach to delivery of product innovation benefits consumers and business. Current or future government regulatory efforts may hinder our ability to provide these benefits reducing the attractiveness of our products and the revenues that come from them.

Our online services are subject to government regulation of the Internet domestically and internationally in areas such as user privacy, data protection, and online content. The application of these laws and regulations to our business is often unclear and sometimes may conflict. Compliance with these regulations may involve significant costs or require changes in business practices that result in reduced revenue. Noncompliance could result in penalties being imposed on us or orders that we cease conducting the noncompliant activity.

Our business depends largely on our ability to attract and retain talented employees.     Our business is based on successfully attracting and retaining talented employees. The market for highly skilled workers in our industry is extremely competitive. We are limited in our ability to recruit internationally by restrictive domestic immigration laws. If we are less successful in our recruiting efforts, or if we are unable to retain key employees, our ability to develop and deliver successful products and services may be adversely affected.


Delays in product development schedules may adversely affect our revenues.     The development of software products is a complex and time-consuming process. New products and enhancements to existing products can require long development and testing periods. Significant delays in new product releases or significant problems in creating new products, particularly any delays in the Windows Vista operating system, could adversely affect our revenue.

We make significant investments in new products and services that may not be profitable.     We have made and will continue to make significant investments in research, development, and marketing for new products, services, and technologies, including Windows Vista, Office 12, MSN Search, SQL Server, Windows Server and Xbox 360. Investments in new technology are inherently speculative. Commercial success depends on many factors including innovativeness, developer support, and effective distribution and marketing. Significant revenue from new product and service investments may not be achieved for a number of years, if at all. Moreover, new products and services may not be profitable, and even if they are profitable, operating margins for new products and businesses may not be as high as the margins we have experienced historically.

Declines in demand for software could occur.     If overall market demand for PCs, servers, and other computing devices declines significantly, or consumer or corporate spending for such products declines, our revenue will be adversely affected. In addition, our revenue would be unfavorably impacted if customers reduce their purchases of new software products or upgrades to existing products because new product offerings are not perceived as providing significant new functionality or other value to prospective purchasers. We are making significant investments in the next release of the Windows operating system (Windows Vista) and the next release of the Microsoft Office System (Office 12). If these products are not perceived as offering significant new functionality or value to prospective purchasers, our revenue and operating margins could be adversely affected.

We have claims and lawsuits against us that may result in adverse outcomes.     We are subject to a variety of claims and lawsuits. Adverse outcomes in some or all of the claims pending against us may result in significant monetary damages or injunctive relief against us that could adversely affect our ability to conduct our business. While management currently believes that resolving all of these matters, individually or in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse impact on our financial position or results of operations, the litigation and other claims noted above are subject to inherent uncertainties and management’s view of these matters may change in the future. There exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our financial position and the results of operations for the period in which the effect of an unfavorable final outcome becomes probable and reasonably estimable.

We may have additional tax liabilities.     We are subject to income taxes in both the United States and numerous foreign jurisdictions. Significant judgment is required in determining our worldwide provision for income taxes. In the ordinary course of our business, there are many transactions and calculations where the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. We are regularly under audit by tax authorities. Although we believe our tax estimates are reasonable, the final determination of tax audits and any related litigation could be materially different than that which is reflected in historical income tax provisions and accruals. Based on the results of an audit or litigation, a material effect on our income tax provision, net income, or cash flows in the period or periods for which that determination is made could result.

We may be at risk of having insufficient supplies of certain Xbox 360 components or console inventory.
Some components of the upcoming Xbox 360 are obtained from a single supplier and others may be subject to an industry- wide supply shortage. If a component delivery from a sole-source supplier is delayed or becomes unavailable or industry shortages occur, we may be unable to obtain replacement supplies on a timely basis resulting in reduced console and game sales. Components are ordered based on forecasted console demand so we may experience component shortages for the Xbox 360. Similarly, if our demand forecasts for the existing Xbox console are inaccurate and exceed actual demand, we may have excess console inventory that may require us to record charges to cost of revenue for the excess inventory. Xbox 360 consoles will be assembled in Asia; disruptions in the supply chain may result in console shortages that would affect our revenues and operating margins.


If our goodwill or amortizable intangible assets become impaired we may be required to record a significant charge to earnings.     Under generally accepted accounting principles, we review our amortizable intangible assets for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. Goodwill is required to be tested for impairment at least annually. Factors that may be considered a change in circumstances indicating that the carrying value of our goodwill or amortizable intangible assets may not be recoverable include a decline in stock price and market capitalization, future cash flows, and slower growth rates in our industry. We may be required to record a significant charge to earnings in our financial statements during the period in which any impairment of our goodwill or amortizable intangible assets is determined resulting in an impact on our results of operations.

Changes in accounting may affect our reported earnings and operating income.     Generally accepted accounting principles and accompanying accounting pronouncements, implementation guidelines and interpretations for many aspects of our business, such as revenue recognition for software, accounting for financial instruments, and treatment of goodwill or amortizable intangible assets, are highly complex and involve subjective judgments. Changes in these rules, their interpretation, or changes in our products or business could significantly change our reported earnings and operating income and could add significant volatility to those measures, without a comparable underlying change in cash flow from operations. See Note 1 in “Notes to Financial Statements” and “Management‘s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results Of Operations – Critical Accounting Policies” of this report.

We operate a global business that exposes us to additional risks.     We operate in over 100 countries and a significant part of our revenue comes from international sales. Pressure to make our pricing structure uniform might require that we reduce the sales price of our software in the United States and other countries. Operations outside of the United States may be affected by changes in trade protection laws, policies and measures, and other regulatory requirements affecting trade and investment; unexpected changes in regulatory requirements for software; social, political, labor, or economic conditions in a specific country or region; and difficulties in staffing and managing foreign operations. While we hedge a portion of our international currency exposure, significant fluctuations in exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies may adversely affect our future net revenues.

General economic and geo-political risks may affect our revenue and profitability.     Softness in corporate information technology spending or other changes in general economic conditions that affect demand for computer hardware or software could adversely affect our revenue. Abrupt political change, terrorist activity and armed conflict pose a risk of general economic disruption in affected countries or generally and could require changes in our operations and security arrangements, thus increasing our operating costs. These conditions may lend additional uncertainty to the timing and budget for technology investment decisions by our customers.

Catastrophic events may disrupt our business.     We are a highly automated business and a disruption or failure of our systems in the event of a major earthquake, cyber-attack, terrorist attack, or other catastrophic event could cause delays in completing sales and providing services. Our corporate headquarters, a significant portion of our research and development activities, and certain other critical business operations are located in the Seattle, Washington area, and we have other business operations in the Silicon Valley area of California, both of which are near major earthquake faults. A catastrophic event that results in the destruction or disruption of any of our critical business or information technology systems could severely affect our ability to conduct normal business operations and, as a result, our future operating results could be adversely affected.

Acquisitions and joint ventures may have an adverse effect on our business.     We expect to continue making acquisitions or entering into joint ventures as part of our long-term business strategy. These transactions involve significant challenges and risks including that the transaction does not advance our business strategy, that we don’t realize a satisfactory return on the investment we make, or that we may experience difficulty in the integration of new employees, business systems and technology, or diversion of management’s attention from our other businesses. These factors could adversely affect our operating results or financial condition.

We have limited insurance.     We maintain third party insurance coverage against various liability risks and risks of property loss. Because of the unavailability or high cost of conventional insurance arrangements, we have entered into captive insurance arrangements for the purpose of protecting against possible catastrophic and other risks not covered by traditional insurance markets. As of June 30, 2005, the face value of captive insurance arrangements was $2.0 billion. Actual value at any particular time will vary due to deductibles, exclusions, other restrictions, and claims. While we believe these arrangements are an effective way to insure against liability and property damage risks, the potential liabilities associated with the risks discussed in this report or other events could exceed the coverage provided by such arrangements.

Other risks that may affect our business.     Other factors that may affect our performance may include:

  • sales channel disruption, such as the bankruptcy of a major distributor;
  • our ability to implement operating cost structures that align with revenue growth; and
  • the continued availability of third-party distribution channels for MSN service and other online services.
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